UI Levels
You can select a UI level for a new UI in the Curriculum module providing that you have the EBS4AwardsManager licence.

The fields on the UI Levels screen are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Codes |
The UI level code which can be up to 10 characters. These codes will then be available in the Category list on the General page, when creating a new UI in the Curriculum module. |
Short Description |
The short description of the UI level. The short description will be shown on the corresponding UI Level tab on the Curriculum Details screen. |
Long Description | The long description of the UI level. |
Active |
Whether the UI level is actively available. Only UI levels that have this flag set are available for selection in the Scheme Type list in Grading Schemes reference data. |
Level | The level of the UI. Select from the drop-down list. |
Grading Scheme |
The default grading scheme for the UI level. Select from the drop-down list. You can only select a grading scheme for the UI level, if the grading scheme has a scheme type that maps to that particular UI level. If you select a grading scheme that is not mapped to that UI Level, an error is displayed. |
Requires Outcome | Whether a learner outcome can be added to a UI, with this UI level, on the Academic History tab in the Enrolments module. |
Allows Assessments | Whether assessments can be linked to a UI, with this UI level, in the Curriculum module. |
Allows Awards | Whether awards can be linked to a UI, with this UI level, in the Curriculum module. |
You can delete an existing UI level if the code is referenced in ATTAINMENTS records. A warning is displayed.
This affects the content of the Academic History, which is filtered on UI level. If referenced in Academic History, the system will prevent records moving from Academic History to Attainments.
You are prevented from doing the following:
Creating or updating UI levels with a code of AWARD or ASSESSMENT, or if the code is an existing attainment type code
Creating or updating attainment types with a code of AWARD or ASSESSMENT, or if the code is an existing UI level code
Deleting or updating parameters relating to an existing UI level if the code is linked to an existing UI. You can set the code as not active in this situation
Deleting or updating parameters relating to an existing UI level if the code is referenced in RULES.RULE. You can set the code as not active in this situation

UI levels are used to categorise curriculum items into a hierarchy. For Markbook purposes, it is recommended that a three tier curriculum structure (parent – child – grandchild) is utilised (though a three tier structure is not mandatory). UI levels have a number of different functional settings that define behaviour in ebs. Critical settings from a Markbook perspective are:
- Requires Outcome - is an outcome record automatically generated on enrolment to the curriculum entity
- Allows Assessments - can assessments be linked to the curriculum entity
- Level - the level in the curriculum hierarchy (lower number indicates a ‘higher’ level)
UI levels govern how curriculum links can be created – child curriculum links can only be created to curriculum entities that have an equal or lower UI level.
It is recommended that a discrete UI level value is created for each curriculum level where the assessment criteria for the outcome is different and generally, different UI levels would be recommended for different levels and distinct qualification types. However, in a three tier curriculum structure, as a minimum at least three UI levels would be required.
A representative set of UI levels that would be recommended as good practice for such a three tier structure is described below:
- Programme (used for the main course programme)
- Code set to Prog
- Long Description set to Programme
- Requires Outcome set to N
- Allow Assessments set to N
- Allow Awards set to N
- Level set to 1
- Programme Year (used for the separate programme year linked to the programme)
- Code set to PROGYEAR
- Long Description set to Programme Year
Requires Outcome set to Y
- Allow Assessments set to N
- Allow Awards set to N
- Level set to 2
- BTEC Unit (used for BTEC units)
Code set to BTECUNIT
- Long Description set to BTEC Unit
- Requires Outcome set to Y
- Allow Assessments set to Y
- Allow Awards set to N
- Level set to 3
- A Level Component (used for A Level components)
Code set to ACOMP
- Long Description set to A Level Component
- Requires Outcome set to Y
- Allow Assessments set to Y
- Allow Awards set to N
- Level set to 3
When a curriculum entity has been created (either with or without a UI level value) the UI level value cannot be changed (unless a SQL update query is used). It is strongly recommended that you plan out your curriculum structure and required UI levels for Markbook before creating curriculum entities.